Thursday 17 August 2017

Quick Fuse Bee Happy Swarm of Bees

This bee is very happy!
If you are using the quick fuse (fusible webbing) method for the Bee Happy sew-along here is a fast way to make the five bees.

From yellow/orange fabric cut:      
Two 1½” x 12” strips and one 1” x 12” strip
From black fabric cut:       
Two ¾” x 12” strips
(I would recommend starching your fabrics before cutting as it will help when stitching the strips together.)

Using a ¼” seam allowance stitch the strips together along the 12” length as shown.  Press the seams open or towards the yellow.  
The 1" yellow strip is in the middle.
Your bee patch should measure 3½” x 12”.  Do not worry that the strips are not straight - they will distort a little with pressing but your bees will still look good on the finished quilt. (If you want to be really accurate then I suggest you make each bee individually - see the bottom of this post.)
The strips will distort slightly when pressed.
Don't worry - the bees will still bee happy!

Cut a piece of fusible webbing 3” x 11”.  On the paper side of the fusible webbing mark a line down the middle of the paper.  Trace five bees onto the paper using Bee Happy Shape D16 - lining up the center marks on the D16 shape with the marked line down the middle of the paper. 
Line up the Bee Happy shapes with the center line

Iron the fusible webbing tracing onto the WRONG side of your bee patch, lining up the marked line on the tracing with the center of the patch.
Center the tracing onto the BACK of the bee patch

Cut out your bees and welcome them to the Bee Happy hive.
A swarm of fusible bees waiting to earn their wings!

If you want to cut your bees from five different fabrics you can make each bee individually. In this case you will need to cut two 1½” x 2½“ strips and one 1” x 2½” strip from yellow/orange fabric and from black fabric cut two ¾” x 2½” strips.  
Single Bee patch measures 3½" x 2½”. 

Stitch the strips together along the 2½” length.
Center the tracing using the markings on the  Bee Happy shape

Line up the center markings on the D16 tracing with the center of the patch and hey presto - a new bee is born.

Until next time ......................             


  1. I just love this bright sunshiny bee--
    and what a neat way to make him--
    enjoy the moments, di

    1. Thank you Di. There are so many wonderful things to make I am always trying to find quicker ways to do things so I can fit more in!

  2. Oh your bee block is adorable! What a great way to make the bees faster! Thank you for your excellent tips and helps!!

  3. When I saw the quick and easy way to make the bees it makes me want to make a whole swarm of them!

  4. As always, you’re the best!
