Wednesday 11 June 2014

2” Mini Churn Dash Blocks

I’m joining in the Nested Churn Dash sew along and I hope to make a runner comprising three 16” blocks.   As ever I’ve made a small change already by constructing a 2” churn dash block (2½” unfinished) for the centre square.  They are a little fiddly but good fun.  Want to have a go?  (Click here for a PDF printable version.)  All seam allowances are ¼".

To make one 2” churn dash block (2½” unfinished) you will need:

One 1½” centre square
One 6” x ¾” strips from two different fabrics (total 2 strips)
Two 2” squares from two different fabrics (total 4 squares)

1.         With right sides together stitch the  6” x ¾” strips together along the 6” length.  Press.  Unit should measure 6” x 1”.  Cross-cut this strip into four 1½” x 1” units.
2.         Stitch one of the 1½” x 1” units to either side of the centre square.  Press seams towards the centre square.
3.         Make your half-square triangle units using the 2” squares.   Place the contrasting squares into pairs, right sides together and mark a diagonal line on the back of one of the squares from each pair.  This line will be your cutting line.   Stitch ¼” either side of the marked line.   Cut along the marked line and press each square open.  You should have four half-square triangles.  Trim each half-square triangle unit to measure 1”.

4.         Stitch a half-square triangle to both ends of the remaining 1½” x 1” units.  Press seams towards the half-square triangles.

5.         Finally stitch each half-square triangle unit to the top and bottom of your centre square unit as shown.  Press.  Trim block to 2½”.

I’ve made three of these mini churn dash units as the basis of my nested churn dash runner.  But there will be no more ‘Patchsmithing’ from here on – I will stick religiously to the excellent NestedChurn Dash pattern by Quilt Jane.
Mini Churn Dash Blocks
I will post pictures once these 2” babies have grown into 4” toddlers!
Sew until then ..............


  1. There's a new word out: a verb "to Patchsmith" meaning to take a good thing and add a touch of red and/or gingham, resulting in something even better! I'm going to use it a lot!

    1. Yes, and it will be added to the Quilter's Dictionary this year!!

  2. Where's the "Like" button! These are just too cute.

  3. I was thinking I'm using quite small pieces but this is sooo tiny! Looks great though and what a fun fabric combo!

  4. Very petite and very clever.

  5. Adorable mini churn dashes!! About how long will your table runner be?
    I love your clear and concise directions!! I am printing that out , and saving it on a file in my computer !

    1. I am thinking three 16" blocks - approx 48" without any additional borders. That is about the right size for my coffee table. But if it turns out too 'busy' then I may want to border each block with some Kona Snow before I sew them together in which case it will grow to 52-53 inches!
