Sunday, 21 February 2016

Farmer's Wife 1930s Quilt Blocks 41, 42, 43 and 44

Farmer's Wife 1930s Block no. 43 - Hope

VeryKerry Berry is chasing through the Farmer’s Wife 1930s sampler quilt with another four blocks:

Block 41 – Granny.  I cheated with this block and paper-pieced it in such a way that I eradicated those silly half-triangle squares.  Find out more HERE. 
Farmer's Wife 1930s Block no. 41 - Granny

Block 42 – Heather.   Another block that I’ve covered already HERE.  I loved this block – so much that I made two.  .
Farmer's Wife 1930s Block no. 42 - Heather

Then we came to a block I was looking forward to and which I like the look of....
Block 43 – Hope.  This block has a partial seam and my notes read “not sure I got the partial seam perfect but it is pretty and to size”.  It is also sashed and joined to another already!
Farmer's Wife 1930s Block no. 43 - Hope

Block 44 – Iris.   I struggled with this block.  Notes tell all .....  “Seams didn’t match up when joining two halves.  I don’t quite know why because the middle and ends match and it is to size.  Unpicked and restitched.  Better match but still unsure.  Maybe I am being too fussy.” 
Farmer's Wife 1930s Block no. 44 - Iris

GnomeAngel managed another two blocks before scheduling a break until 1st March.  Both blocks are covered briefly here as they have been blogged about before:

Block 11 – Bea.  This has been blogged about HERE.  I like how the handle looks like ribbon – it isn’t, it is the small stripe on the fabric that makes it appear so.
Farmer's Wife 1930s Block no. 11 - Bea

Block 23 – Charlotte.  This was an easy block to paper-piece and I made it in two halves.  Nothing challenging – quite straightforward.  
Farmer's Wife 1930s Block no. 23 - Charlotte

I actually only have another 7 or 8 blocks to make and you can see all the blocks I've made so far over on my Farmer’s Wife PinterestBoard or on my Farmer’s Wife tab above.

Sew until tomorrow when I shall be sharing my Splendid Sampler blocks .......


  1. I think these latest blocks are some of my favorite so far, Amanda!! They look PERFECT to my eye!! My faves are Charlotte and Heather! Your fabric selections are simply gorgeous!!

    1. I loved making Heather. Such a lovely block to paper-piece.

  2. At the risk of sounding like a broken down record ;) Your fabrics are always to die for!!! Gorgeous blocks!! By the way what is your favourite 'white' background fabric?

  3. PERFECT! As usual..... I love them.

    1. Thank you. I can say, hand-on-heart, they are not perfect but they are such fun and look good. 💟💟💟

  4. I agree that they really do look perfect! Your skills are really sharp, from making blocks each day over the past year or so. Practice really must make perfect. I love each one of these...can't even choose a new favorite today!
