Brick Path Coaster

Fabric requirements/cutting (to make one coaster):
1½” x 5” - one from fabric A and one from fabric B
1½” x 5” – two strips from linen
5” square of backing fabric
5” square of quilt wadding
Four 1” x 6” or one 1” x 24” binding strip depending on choice

  1.         Sew one linen strip to fabric A along the 5” length.  Repeat for fabric B.
 2.         Cut each block into two 2½” squares.
3.         Patch together as shown.
4.         Lay backing fabric wrong side up, place wadding on top and coaster on top right side up.  Quilt as preferred and trim to size.

5.         Bind your coaster using your preferred method.


  1. Thanks for the pattern. Will make a nice gift out of my scraps.

  2. Just found this pattern. The green inspired me to make a set or two for friends as a St. Patrick's Day gift. Thanks.
