Friday 24 August 2012

Blog Hop Party Giveaway

**** UPDATE ****

Thank you all for entering. 
I used a Random Number Generator to select the winners ......

The ‘Scottie Dog Mug Rug’ pattern went to Kay
The ‘Bee Hive Wall Quilt’ pattern went to Cindy Staub
The ‘Tea and Cake Mug Rug’ pattern went to Carla G.

I have also had the date confirmed for the Patchsmith to join the Glorious Autumn Block Party (hosted again by Quilting Gallery). 
My block will appear on 4th October 2012 so be sure to visit here on that day because there will be a free PDF block pattern and another
give-away which will be open to everybody.
Now back to the blog .......
Tea and Cake Mug Rug Pattern

It has been a brilliant weekend – my tea-and-coffee mug rug appeared on the Craftsy newsletter and sales rocketed.  On top of that I have had one hundred comments for the Blog Hop Party give-away - (it is the last day today so check it out for the chance to win some goodies). 

However, what is really awesome is Amy, from Amy Made That, took my little Scottie Dog mug rug pattern and turned it into a stunning gift.  I cannot believe she found the ideal mug to match - she is just too perfect!!

On top of all this I have added more patterns to my Etsy shop including Joy mug rug pattern. Now wouldn’t that make a super Christmas present?  And, as all Patchsmith patterns are very affordable, this gift at least, will be within budget.
Perfect for Christmas or any time of the year.

As regular readers will know the Zakka sew-along is drawing to a close (only two more weeks to go).  But never fear – I have found another sew-along to take us up until Christmas – it is entitled the Glorious Autumn Block Party and involves three different designers every week for the next fifteen weeks.   It starts tomorrow. Each designer will design a 12” square based on the theme of a ‘glorious autumn’ and the blocks will be posted on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of every week.  There is sure to be quilting, appliqué, patching and so much more, so there will be lots of choice in respect of style, method and skill level.
Each week I will choose one of the three blocks designed for that week and make it up.  I shall post my block here and in the Flickr group for the Quilting Gallery Block Party.   There are “special-deals” all through the season as well so it is a win-win as far as I can see.  Why don’t you join in – it is a great way to practise techniques at the same time as making a quilt – one block at a time.  If autumnal colours aren’t your thing then swap the colours to suit you or your decor.    Check it out here or click on the picture-link above. 

And the really good news - - - I have been invited to make a block.  Yes, ‘tis true - the Patchsmith has been asked to contribute.  The week of my block hasn’t been finalised yet but I can promise you that there will be a give-away to accompany it which will be open to everybody around the globe.  I shall also be producing a PDF for you to download, showing clearly how to put the block together (don’t worry – it will be quick and easy but super cool).  There might even be something extra on the PDF to help you bring the colours of autumn into your home without requiring you to complete a full-size quilt.     So check in regularly and I will let you know as soon as the date has been confirmed.

Or, if you fancy something Christmassy then check out Blossom Hearts Quilts 'A Very Merry HST BOF' - and yet again there is a Flickr group to go with it.
Let me know which one you are going to do.  Also if you find any others then please post a comment.

Gotta go – this is the penultimate week in the Zakka sew-along and this week’s project, the Happy Garland Message Board is calling me.  My embroidery hoop is only 8” rather than the recommended 10” so I am going to have to get creative ...... again!!


  1. Tea and Cake mug rug pattern.,,, I would like to make my Son and his new Wife a set of 4 as a xmas present...

  2. The scottie dogs! My best friend has just lost her scottie and I would love to make this for her!

  3. Great patterns. I would love to win one.
    Thanks for the chance

  4. Ooooo I love the cuppa and cake one, would definately love to try and make this x

  5. I love blog hops! thanks for joining this one. I find so many interesting blogs! I'd love to have the bee hive wallhanging! It's so cute!

  6. I like the Tea & Cakes one! This looks like the perfect one to make for my new sister-in-law. Thanks for a chance to win! :)

  7. I like the Beehive one. It is cute. Thanks for the chance to win.

  8. The beehive is adorable -- I'd love to make one!

  9. I love the beehive wall quilt! So cute!

  10. The scottie dog mug rug is so adorable and the bee hive...just too cute....I seriously can't decide which I like best. My mom always calls our visits to grandmas house 'camp honey bee' and the scotties are just so Cute!

    sowingstitches [at] yahoo [dot] com

  11. I would love to make the Scottie dogs for my mom :)

  12. I love the beehive wall quilt - it looks like fun and is in such happy colours!

  13. I love the beehive wall quilt! It's so cheery! :) Wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the chance! Have a Nice Day! :)

  14. I would go for the tea and cake mug rug, and make a whole set for my mum for Christmas, she's been asking me for some mug rugs!

  15. Tea cup and cupcake mug rug is my favorite.

  16. It's got to be those cute little dogs - gorgeous to add to the list of made prezzies for under the tree at Christmas:)

  17. Quero se ganhar esta linda colméia.Só para constar hoje é dia internacional do cã

  18. The bee hive quilt would be a great addition for the shop that I've helped at - the Honey Barn. Thanks for the opportunity to enter. From northern Iowa . . . .

  19. I love the beehive wall hanging. I live in Utah and the pioneers settled here long ago and they were known for their industry and the state capital building has many beehives in it to show how we work together as a hive to build a better place.

  20. great patterns would love to win thanks

  21. LOve them all, but the Beehive is my favorite!

  22. Aawww these are sew cute =)
    A toss up between Scotties and Tea and Cake. If I win...surprise me! =)

  23. The Beehive Wall quilt. I really don't drink coffe, so mug rugs just aren't my thing.

  24. I adore the beehive - I would like to one day have a hive (or two or three) of bees - I will have to move to my dream house in the country first!! Lovely giveaway!

  25. The bee hive wall quilt is so adorable. It has such lovely colors and there's just something about bees and flowers that make me smile. Thanks for the give away.

  26. I really like the scottie dog mug rug. My brother and his family have one and I'd love to make this for them!

  27. I love all of them, but if I have to pick, it would be the beehive wall quilt pattern. They are all very cute, though.

  28. All three patterns are sweet! I would love to make the beehive. Thanks for a lovely giveaway!

  29. Love the Beehive. It makes me smile.

  30. I love the Beehive, but anyone of them would be fine

  31. I love the beehive. It reminds me of spring.

  32. The tea and cake mug rug is my favorite. Cute patterns.

  33. The scottie dogs are too cute!

    homemakerhoney @gmail .com

  34. Love the beehive! I feel like a piece of bread and honey right now...

  35. I love the beehive, it's adorable!!!

  36. I adore the Bee Hive Wall Quilt!
    thank you

  37. I'd pick the buzzing bee pattern because my son just became a beekeeper this year and harvested our first honey. I also love the tea mug pattern.

  38. I saw the beehive first and thought ,how cute. Then the cupcake and thought cuter still. Then the Scottie's, cutest!!

  39. The Tea and Cake is so cute! I would make it for my Mom as a Christmas gift. It's 2 of her favorite things!

  40. cool giveaway thanks

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  41. I think the scotty dogs pattern is very cute. I hope I win :)
    Gun, Sweden

  42. I can't make up my mind between the beehive and the scottie dogs, feel free to surprise me! Thank you for the giveaway, and for taking part as I love to find new blogs to visit.

  43. They are all so great. I love the bee hive just a little more. Thank you!Bees remind me of summer and I LOVE summer!

  44. They are all beautiful. I think I would like to win the beehive but I have to say, those Scotties are very, very cute. Thanks for participating in the blog hop.

  45. I like the bee hive wall quilt, my mom would love it!

  46. I love them all! But, I *really* like the Scotties-- and my sister is CRAZY about Scotties, so I would choose that one for sure! :-)

  47. The patterns are so cute. I love the Cupcake one the best :-)

  48. Too hard of a choice. I guess the Scottie dogs since my children's dad is Scottish and the kids are proud of their heritage.

  49. Tea and cake because that's my favorite food ; )

  50. I would like to win the Bee Hive because I immediately knew my MIL would LOVE that. I would make it for her, if I won. Thanks for the chance!

  51. The Bee Hive wall quilt is super cute and would be perfect for my SIL who is a beekeeper.

  52. I would love the dogs mat I love dogs

  53. I love dogs, so I my favorite is the last one. hugs

  54. The bee hive wall quilt is just darling!
    Of course, all of your patterns are cute!

  55. The Scotty dog mug rug is my favorite! Thanks for the chance to win!

  56. I would love to try the beehive wall quilt. Thanks!

  57. I love all three patterns and would love to win any one of them... for me my favorite is the cupcake, I just have a thing on cupcakes

  58. OH Looove em ALL! Sooo cute! Think I love the Tea & Cake pattern BEST....only because I have a dear Friend that I would make it for! (& myself one too! lol) She & I share cups & cups of tea....& sometimes treats with! :)

    Thanks for chance to win! :)

  59. they are all lovely but I think 1 is adorable :)

  60. The beehive quilt is so cute! That's the one I'd choose!

  61. Lovely patterns all , but Cake and Tea is my favourite...hands down!

  62. I like the tea and cake mug rug. As an American, I find it very internationally appealing. A true conversation piece :)

  63. I love the bee hive wall quilt. It is so cute! Thanks for the giveaway.

  64. I really like the tea and cake mug rug but all are very nice! Thanks for being in the giveaway.

  65. The Bee Hive Quilt-I just like it the best.

  66. Goodness they are all adorable - such precious patterns!! I am a beekeeper and am enamored with the darling bee hive quilt!

    I am begging to leave off the word verification - this is now my 4th try! They are so hard to read.

    1. Thanks Mary Ellen - I have switched off the word verification. I completely agree - it is so annoying.

  67. I love, love, love that tea and cake pattern! I am a huge tea drinker and am only slightly addicted to chocolate. ;)

    Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  68. I love the beehive quilt. It is definitely # 1 on my list, but the tea and cake rug is a close second. Great giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity

  69. With such cuties it's hard to make a choice but since I'm allergic to bee stings, your little hive would to a cute & SAFE way for me to enjoy them. Thank You for the chance to win.


  70. I Love all of them, but I will choose the bee hive! Thanks for participating!

  71. I would choose the Scottie Dog mug rug pattern, I don't have a dog, but this is the kind I'd like to have...
    I could begin with this ^^)

  72. I like the coffee mug rug. I know a friend who would love it as a gift. (if I make it she doesn't quilt)

  73. I love the tea and cupcake mug rug. Thank for the giveaway.

  74. So cute! love the scottie dogs. I run a licensed home daycare and I think the kids would love to have snacks on these! The dogs would also be cute on little aprons...

  75. Oh, I love the Scottie Dog Rug Mug pattern so much! Thanks for a great giveaway.

  76. Thank you for the opportunity to win your darling patterns!!!

  77. Ah, the scottie dogs, definitely. So adorable! Thanks for the giveaway!

  78. I'd like to win the Scottie Dog pattern because I am an animal lover.

  79. I would choose the tea and cake pattern as it would make a great gift. Thanks for the chance.

  80. The scottie dogs are soooo cute! Thanks for the chance to win :)

  81. I do like the cupcake mug rug. plus I can practice my applique! Thanks! You make cute stuff.

  82. I love the Tea and Cake mug rug pattern because I am such a big fan of tea parties.

  83. They're all gorgeous but the scottie dogs would have to be the favourite - reminds me of my little creatures :)

  84. I like them all! Either one would suit me fine.

  85. Ik vind alle patronen prachtig en een leuke give away


  86. Mijn favoriet is het kopje thee!

  87. My favorite is the beehive wall quilt. Just darling and the colors are perfect. Thanks for the opportunity to enter your wonderful giveaway!

  88. The beehive, of course, since I am suebee!!!!

  89. I LOVE them all! I guess I would pick the scottie dogs so I could make a practical gift for my friends and family.

  90. The Scottie Dogs mug rug is my favorite because my best friend has Scotties.

  91. Love the bee hive! Caught my attention right away! Thanks for the giveaway.

  92. The Tea and Cake pattern is my fave! Why? Because I like green or black tea and love cupcakes of almost every kind - especially if they have generous amounts of frosting!

  93. I love mug rugs...I have been giving my secret pal in Pokeno this year, one each month. I love the Tea and Cake pattern, but they are all so cute. Thanks for being so generous.

  94. I love the Bee Hive Wall Quilt; it makes me smile! Thanks for the chance to win.

  95. I love them all and I am struggling to choose between the Scottie dogs and the Tea and Cake one.
    I think that the Scottie dogs is my favourite, I have loved Scotties since I was young and I would love to have this little quilt to hang in my sewing room.

  96. yummy cake and cup!

  97. Yorkiex! My daughter would love it!

  98. Oh ...I love the tea cup and the cake mug rug pattern. Tanks for the chance to win!!

  99. I love all three but I could see myself making the tea one for my quilters tea group for Christmas!

  100. the beehive wall quilt is sooo cute!! thanks for the opportunity
