
Thursday 26 April 2018

Field Rose Mug Rug

This field rose will sit on my sewing desk all year round.

Having a field rose on my sewing table all year round was just too much temptation. So I combined this week’s Patchsmith's Sampler sew-along block ......
Block 8 - Field Rose

....... with the simple Column Sidebar from my OneBlock Mug Rugs pattern book .....
The column sidebar can be dotted with holly leaves or small flowers

Then I added a little bit of quilt detailing to the field rose ....
I love using stripey binding.

and voila .....
Field Rose Mug Rug

If you fancy turning any of the blocks from the sew-along into a functional mini quilt/mug rug then look no further than my One Block Mug Rugs pattern book.  It contains ten sidebars you can add to a 6" quilt block to create a fun mug rug.

Available in PDF format for immediate download

The One Block Mug Rugs pattern book is also available in paperback format via Amazon.

Come back next week when I hope to use two different blocks from the book to create a fun Bullseye mug rug.    Until then .......


  1. What a sweet idea! Love what you made!

  2. Thank you. I am a mug rug addict so there are sure to be some more mug rugs popping up in the sew-along.

  3. Definitely my next project! I have both of the books mentioned so I’m all set to go.
