
Sunday 23 March 2014

Patchiqué Blocks 27 and 114
Today sees a milestone on the Patchiqué journey – we pass the halfway mark.  The finished design requires 46 blocks and after this week, I have a total of 24 blocks made.  By my reckoning I should be finishing up the blocks at the end of the summer!

Block 27 from Japanese Taupe Quilts
But let us not dwell on the road-not-yet-travelled but focus instead on patchwork block 27 ‘Hira yotsu me’ (translated as ‘four flat squares’).  What a lovely block – one of my favourites.  The notes in my book read ‘Love it.  Easy to make and exactly to size with no need for pins.’  That says it all.  If you cut accurately and use a scant ¼” seam then you too will end up with a delightful 9½” patchwork block.
Patchiqué Block 27 - Patchsmith Style

This block is one that I know I will return to in the future. And there I go again – looking ahead instead of enjoying the present.  And what a present Block 114 was.  This appliqué block is called 'Kikuha' which translates to Chrysanthemum circle - and you can see why.
Block 114 from Japanese Taupe Quilts
I used nine fabrics for the petals – cutting two from each fabric.  I overlapped the petals very slightly to get them to fit before adding the center circle.
Patchiqué Block 114 - Patchsmith Style

This is a simple yet very effective block.  The block in the book used an asymmetrical stork fabric for the center but my brain is just too regimented – it doesn’t do asymmetrical or chaotic – preferring order and symmetry instead.   But as I have already deviated from the Japanese ‘style’ to embody a more ‘English Garden’ style I feel my fabric choices reflect the uniqueness of my Patchiqué quilt.

Check out all the blocks today on the Patchiqué Flickr group where you will find Susie’s wonderful blocks (more in keeping with the Japanese theme than my English blocks).
Susie's Block 16

And if you fancy making just one block from this book then I can recommend either, or both, block 27 or 114.  Post a picture on the Flickr group so we can have a look at your unique take on the Patchiqué journey.

Sew until next time when I will be tackling patchwork block 12 and appliqué block 90 ......    


  1. Great work, it's going to be stunning!

  2. Your blocks are so pretty! I love the flower circle with the pretty pinks!! I can't wait to see all of your blocks in a quilt together!

