
Sunday 24 November 2013

Patchiqué Week 4 – Blocks 8 and 73
Block 8 in Japanese Taupe Quilts is called ‘Uroko’ which translates to ‘scales’ and you can see why.  It is all points and balance. 
Block 8 from the book
This block is rated ‘simple’ in the book and it is, just so long as you are spot on with your half-square triangle (HST) blocks.  To make sure mine were just right, I cut my initial squares to 4” and made half-square triangles which I then trimmed to 3½”.  The trimming took quite a bit of time but it saved me lots of unpicking when it came to matching up seams.  I also pressed the straight seams (not the diagonal ones) open to reduce bulk.
Block 8 Patchique Style

I know there is a lot of debate about pressing seams open – I don’t normally do it, but after making the Birds-in-the-Air block recently, I have found it reduces bulk when sewing blocks together.   I am pleased with how this block turned out although it was a little boring to make.

So on to the appliqué book which was Block 73 ‘Yama fubuki’ (mountain snowstorm). 

Block 73 from the book
I didn't know if I would like this block as it has as many points as Block 72 (Klingon warship block).  But I was pleasantly surprised - I think the fabric I chose softens the sharpness of it.  I had two 5” charm squares that I thought would go particularly well but I wasn’t sure if I could cut all six pieces from the charm squares.  So I traced two 5” squares onto the paper side of my fusible webbing and then traced the template into the squares.  Yep, I could get three templates in each square.  This block was easy to do with Bondaweb and turned out well.  Yet again I didn’t use the protractor but ‘eyed’ it.
Block 73 Patchique Style

After all the points of the last two blocks I fancy something a little more rounded so my next appliqué block will be Block 110.  This is one of the things I like about this book – you can dip in here and there and do whatever takes your fancy.  Block 110 combines patchwork with appliqué (my speciality) whereby you patch the sections and then appliqué them on.  As for patchwork – Block 10 awaits.

Sew until next time........


  1. I think these are my favorite blocks so far. Love the colors, prints, and placements!

  2. This is going to be a wonderful quilt

  3. I love these blocks, and your elegant precision in making them! Your colors in this quilt are going to be gorgeous!

